Všetky Čistiace a ochranné prípravky Sneaky Proof Protector Spray

Sneaky Proof Protector Spray (#3900033)

Fotografie produktu (1)

Cena: 11,99 €
+/-295 CZK

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O produkte

Sneaky Proof Protector Spray is a premium nano protector spray acting against rain, stains, and water for hats, shoes, accessories and clothing. The ultra repellent formula is invisible, breathable, fast acting and includes super nano technology.

In addition, Sneaky Proof is water based, environmentally responsible and non hazardous – this is a non aerosol based product.

The durable formula provides long lasting protection and is suitable for all types of materials including suede, nubuck, leather, synthetics and canvas. If you are wondering how it performs versus other products in the market then we can tell you it is as good if not better.

Made in the United Kingdom. 275ml.

Kategórie Čistiace a ochranné prípravky
Typ Výstroj
Šport Casual
Pohlavie Unisex

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